Virus claims 13 lives in South Coastal Andhra

Thirteen other patients succumbed to the virus in South Coastal Andhra, which registered over 2,300 cases in 24 hours.

The number of active cases passed the 22,000 mark in the region as 2,389 people were infected in the 24 hours that ended at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, a health bulletin published by the state government said Sunday evening. Prakasam accounted for 1,378 of the new cases and Nellore for 1,011.

The casualties continued unabated as seven patients in Prakasam and six in SPSR Nellore district died during the reporting period, bringing the number of casualties in the area to 1,262. With the numbers from Sunday, the toll is 622 in the SPSR Nellore district and 640 in Prakasam.

High positivity rate

Although recovery improved in both districts and 1,111 patients were discharged, the positivity rate remained high.

Up to 701 patients in the SPSR Nellore district and an additional 410 patients in the Prakasam district recovered in the past 24 hours.

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